Sunday, April 13, 2008

playin' in the dirt

Last week I started one of my work days down at one of my most favorite places: The Intervale. For those of you not from Burlington, the Intervale is a community gardening space with several organic CSA farms, a composting center and a bunch of walking/biking trails that Bear and I like to run on. I visited with the Open Heart Farm owners Josh May and Rachel Daly and their adorable baby, Ciaran. As much as my job keeps me busy and running around outside, I still envy people that really get their hands dirty to produce a product. On Thursday Josh was busy transplanting cabbage plants for their next growth phase and their veggies looked great and got me really excited for summer. Having just secured a plot at my neighborhood's community garden I got all the more antsy to get out there and prep the soil. Maybe I'll check in with these guys for some pointers.

As always, I produced a web show to accompany the story to click the link below to view that!

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