Tuesday, April 22, 2008

loose moose

Last week there was a yearling moose on the loose in Burlington! I got to chase this "little" guy down and snap some shots - he was a tough one to find! I was a bit nervous about walking into the woods alone knowing there was a massive and unpredictable animal waiting for me in there. Tip-toeing around and scanning the woods squinty-eyed, I thought I must have missed him until I turned back and sure enough he stood up and there he was, not even a 100 feet from me. Too close for comfort even if all he was doing was nibbling on tree bark. I double backed and made good use of my 200mm lens. No sense finding out what happens to a photographer shooting photos of a moose with a wide angle lens.

Soon enough I had a little crowd surrounding me and felt pretty good that some people in the group were wearing sandals and most definitely were going to be running much slower than I should we have to flee.

Apparently the moose couldn't get enough of me as later that night I was out having some burgers and beers with friends on Main St. downtown and there he was walking right through City Hall Park down Main St. and then down lower Church! He really created quite a buzz downtown that evening and everyone felt a little moose magic.

1 comment:

daria said...

what a cute story! it doesn't look like he could've done too much damage because he's soooo adorable.
unlike the giant bear i photographed for the freeps a few years ago who was napping in a tree and suddenly woke up to discover a potential snack with a camera was close by. yikes!
i hope you're doing great!