Wednesday, April 30, 2008

change is good.

Today the new, revamped and user-friendly Burlington Free Press website launched and the response couldn't be better! Those of us in the photo department are especially excited about the new site because it better highlights our photo galleries and slideshow projects. The changes at work got me thinking about this blog of mine and I created a link list of most of my multimedia projects that I've completed so far at the Free Press. So click there to keep current.

Today was a pretty slow day with most of the morning spent in court shooting a rape trial and then it was off to shoot a murder trial. Very lighthearted way to spend my morning. After finishing some web work in the newsroom it was off to Vermont National Country Club to shoot a golf game. Exhilarating. :) But hey, it was a gorgeous afternoon spent on a nice, quiet piece of So. Burlington...and I got to tear around on a golf cart for the afternoon which is fantastic.

And I leave you with a photo I shot last weekend. I had forgotten about it until a proud parent called the news desk this afternoon to tell me how much they loved the shot. I love it when people go out of their way to be nice, really makes my day.

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